January 15, 2012

Crispy Bacon and Fingerling Potato Pizza

John and I made this wonderful recipe for brunch today. Instead of using the regular pizza dough, it uses Phyllo dough for a crisp and delicate crust. You can use any of your favorite topping ingredients to make it your own signature pizza. I called this recipe taking pizza to a higher level, as it is not only a satisfying meal; it is wonderful to serve on any occasion!

Ingredients: (Adapted from Savory Baking, with minor changes)
10 fingerling potatoes
4 Tbsp. fresh thyme, finely chopped
3 Tbsp. red onion, minced
6-10 slices bacon, cooked crisp, drained and chopped (I used only the lean part)
¼ cup Asiago cheese, grated
¼ cup Parmesan cheese, grated
½ cup unsalted butter, melted
1 package Phyllo dough, thawed at room temperature
Salt and pepper to taste
Non-stick baking sheet
1. Cook potatoes in a small saucepan with enough water to cover. Add in a pinch of salt to the water. Bring to a boil and cook unitl they are tender when pierced with a fork. Remove and drain to cool. When cool enough to handle, slice into thin slices and set aside.
2. Unwrap and unroll the phyllo dough gently on a clean work surface. Using a 6-inch plate on top of the dough and cut around the plate pressing hard to cut through the stack of dough. Continue to cut until all the dough is cut into circles and remove the scraps. Stack them together and place a lightly dampened cloth over the top to keep it moist (but not soggy).
3. Preheat oven to 400°F. Line baking sheets with parchment papper (if not using nonstick ones). Place slices of phyllo dough on the baking tray. Lightly brush each layer with melted butter and place another circle of phyllo dough on to of each of buttered phyllo circles. Contine to do this until you get 6 buttered layered phyllo circles.
4. To assemble: season lightly with salt and pepper. Put slices of potato on top of each pizza stack. Sprinkle evenly with thyme, onions, and bacon over the slices of potato. Top with the two cheeses. Bake in until the top and bottom of crust are golden brown, about 12-15 minutes. Transfer to a serving board and cut into wedges and serve immediately.
Fingerling potato is a small, stubby, finger-shaped type of potato which may be any heritage potato cultivars. They are fully mature when harvested and are not to be confused with new potatoes. Popular fingerling potatoes include the yellow-skinned Russian Banana, the orange-skinned French, and the Purple Peruvian. Due to their size and greater expense compared to other potatoes, fingerlings are commonly either halved and roasted as a side dish or used in salads. Asiago cheese is an Italian cow's milk cheese with a flavor that is reminiscent of Parmesan.
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