February 1, 2010

Mint and Pumpkin Sauce

I have a small patch of different varieties of mint growing in my backyard. One of my favorite is the Morocon mint--it has a light mint flavor and great for brewing tea served with a drop of rose water. Yummy! An idea came into mind---I could make a sauce. Let's see, I have some leftover chicken stock, more kabocha squash. This sauce goes well with baked shrimp, fish or chicken.
¼ cup freshly picked mint leaves, washed, and stalks removed
¼ cup chopped baked kabocha, cut into chunks
1 cup organic chicken broth
1 clove garlic
1 Tbsp. tamarind paste (optional)
2-3 Tbsp. lemon juice (if tamarind is not used)
1 tsp. olive oil
salt and sugar to taste
1. In a food processor, add mint, oil, kabocha, and tamarind paste and blend till smooth.
2. Pour mixture into a saucepan, add chicken broth and cook over medium heat. When it comes to a boil, remove and season to taste. Add more chicken broth if mixture is too thick.
Printable Recipe

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